Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Here We go!

Well, it wasn't that difficult after all, as my friends assured me. I'm now the proud owner of a real, live blog. Be gentle, dear readers, as this is my first time, and I'm clearly a novice. Perhaps I should start small and work up to longer posts.

Today seems to be some sort of watershed for me. I had an interesting discussion with myself in the shower this morning and determined that the direction of my path must change to improve my health and well being. So, I'm off on my new trail, which is not really new at all, since I have traveled it before. Hopefully, the journey this time will not be as long to reach my goal weight and a renewed sense of wellness and energy. I feel better just thinking about it!

Apparently somewhere on this site I'm to write some information about myself for those who care to know. I shall see if I can locate that place.

Tune in again another time for more musings and mutterings and other general stuff.


Laura said...


I am the first to comment on your first post of your first blog!


Unknown said...

Congrats Vennie. Welcome to the blogging world. See? I told you. It's easy. I look forward to your blog entries.


Beth said...

YEAH!!! You did it!!!! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!!!

Hugs and lots of love - Beth

hot tamale said...

WOW Vennie, and pictures too!! Im so impressed. I'll be baaaaaack

love you

Anonymous said...

Yeah Vennie...YAHOOOO...I'm so excited to see you on blogworld...YAHOO..I can't tell you how excited I am...Well I just did..Looking foward to reading more of your posts, and insight.

Robert said...

Vennie will melt the ice with that smile. Blame global warming.